Discover AI powered
deal onboarding

Novel AI system developed for real estate
Increase Analyst efficiency by 81%
Exclusive access for professional investors

Get early access to the most sophisticated real estate deal onboarding AI system.

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Securely and efficiently gather project information


Seamlessly extract data from Excel or PDF files


Automatically organize all data in a deal dashboard


Promptly identify potential errors and inconsistencies


Quickly generate evaluations and scenarios


Automatically reach out to involved parties

Meet your 24/7 Analyst.

LAYRON is an advanced AI system developed by Layer Finance. It is specifically designed for professional real estate investment & financing scenarios where 100% accuracy and reliability is crucial.

Higher assessment quality
Faster deal processing
Zero data errors

Our technology's four core features converge to form an advanced assistant that streamlines the deal onboarding process with unparalleled efficiency and ease.

Simply upload all of your project documents.

LAYRON supports a wide variety of document formats including .pdf, .xls and .png among others.

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Analyze your documents in seconds

LAYRON efficiently extracts all relevant information from your documents to perform an in-depth analysis.

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Easy to understand summaries for quicker decisions.

The essential information is distilled into a concise, easily understandable dashboard that outlines the deal's core features.

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Benchmarking for the competitive advantage

We leverage both internal historical data and external datasets to benchmark your project's key metrics. This comprehensive analysis provides a clear perspective on your project's standing, offering insights into its relative position and performance.

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