
Disclosure obligation according to § 25 Media Act (MedienG) and information obligation according to § 5 E-Commerce Act (ECG) and § 14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB):

Layer Finance Holding GmbH
Postgasse 8b
1010 Wien

‍Commercial Register Number: FN 544927p
Commercial Court: Commercial Court Vienna
Registered Office: Vienna
VAT Identification Number (UID): ATU76153207
Managing Directors: Michael Bischof

Business purpose

Services for the real estate industry, particularly operating an online platform for connecting capital seekers with capital providers to facilitate the acquisition of capital; consulting services related to real estate; provision of IT services as well as ancillary business activities.


The website of Layer Finance Holding GmbH and its contents have been carefully prepared. However, they are provided solely for informational purposes. No liability is assumed for the accuracy, timeliness, and error-free nature of the information contained therein. Furthermore, Layer Finance Holding GmbH assumes no liability for any links to external websites operated by third parties.

Should linked websites (especially due to changes in content after the link was set) contain illegal, incorrect, incomplete, offensive, or morally objectionable information, and should Layer Finance Holding GmbH become aware of such content on linked pages, the link to such websites will be promptly removed.

The content on this website created by the author is protected by copyright. Any form of exploitation or use of the services offered, especially reproduction, storage, distribution, publication, sale, or editing, particularly of information, texts, graphics, files, databases, layouts, etc., is prohibited. The user will take all necessary measures to comply with these obligations. Any use beyond this scope requires prior written permission from Layer Finance Holding GmbH.

Files explicitly marked for download are exempt from this requirement.

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